The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

Let your Light Shine

Mapac School Uniform Website


It is our policy that all children should wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. Most of the uniform can be purchased at numerous retail outlets around the town.

The sweatshirt, cardigans, back packs and book bags, are available from Mapac School Uniform. These all bear the school logo. Parents are able to place orders online and all items are delivered to your home address or school. 

We attach great importance to the appearance of our pupils, and their standard of dress.

We hope the children will gain a sense of belonging to the school community by wearing the uniform.

For these reasons, we ask that children and parents ensure that it is worn smartly and with pride.

To support parents in purchasing the correct school uniform we will have a sample size for parents to try before they buy in the school office from January 2023. 

Mapac customer service team is available 9.00 am till 5.00 pm each day to be able to place orders over the telephone. 


Winter Uniform ~ This can be worn throughout the year.

Generic grey skirt, trousers, shorts or pinafore dress available from all supermarkets

Generic white polo shirt available from all supermarkets

Branded sweatshirt or cardigan with embroidered logo available from Macpac Uniform

Black or grey tights or white, grey or black socks.  

Dark coloured, flat shoes or boots (no logos)

Optional Summer Uniform ~ After Easter through to the end of the October term.

Generic blue and white checked (gingham) dress with short sleeves

Generic traditional grey shorts flat / pleated front (no cargo style shorts)

Branded sweatshirt or cardigan with embroidered logo available from Macpac Uniform

White tights worn with gingham dress or white, grey or black socks. 

Dark coloured, flat shoes or boots (no logos).


Please ensure that all uniform is labelled clearly with your child’s name.

P.E. Kit ~ Compulsory.

Pupils are permitted to wear PE Kit on their classes’ PE days.

Pupils should wear plain navy shorts or navy tracksuit bottoms (non branded)

Generic navy fleece or school branded sweatshirt or cardigan

White t-shirt, black or dark trainers.


Swimming – swimming costume (1 piece) or swimming trunks and swimming hat



Jewellery  – in the interests of health and safety only plain stud earrings (neutral colours) and a small watch may be worn.  Pupils are required to remove ear studs or tape them before PE and Forest School sessions and remove wrist watches. 

There should be no make-up, nail varnish, temporary tattoos or hair colours. Long hair must be tied back.  Hair accessories should be in school uniform colours.  Exaggerated hairstyles such as shaved patterns, tramlines, close shave and Mohican cuts are not permitted


Where to purchase it

Uniform for the Haven can be purchased from all local supermarkets.  Cardigans and sweatshirts with the school’s logo are available via Mapac School Uniform. 

Uniform Policy