The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

Let your Light Shine

Mrs Collett's Headteacher's Welcome

On behalf of all the staff and children, I would like to extend a warm welcome to The Haven CE Methodist Primary School.  We are a two form entry primary school situated in the coastal town of Eastbourne and part of the very successful Diocese of Chichester Academies Trust.  

We are very proud of our school, which has a friendly, caring and Christian ethos.  Our school vision Let Your Light Shine Matthew (5:16) is theologically rooted and lived out through our Christian values: Compassion, Respect, Hope, Responsibility, Justice and Courage. We believe that God created all and every life is precious to Him (Genesis 1:27).   With this we feel we can grow, learn and flourish (John 10:10).  We encourage children to embrace challenge and show this in all aspects of learning (Proverb 16:10). Our rich and broad curriculum nourishes our children’s spirituality and allows them to shine in their own way and as a community.  

Our purpose as an educational community is to provide a rich and stimulating Christian environment in which each child can learn, achieve, and experience success.  All the children are encouraged to become independent, confident pupils who show respect for all members of the school community.

We are a well-resourced school and can offer your child a range of exciting opportunities and experiences.  Our school is situated just a short walk from the beach and we have a large playing field, our own forest school, and several large outdoor play spaces on site.

Our staff are committed to keeping up to date with best practice in education and we are constantly reviewing and refining our practice to ensure we provide your child with the very best education.  We recognise the vital role that parents play in their child’s education and work closely with our families to support and nurture all our pupils.

We warmly welcome visits to our school, so you can see us in action!  Please contact the school office to arrange.

Ros Collett



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