The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

Let your Light Shine


You are welcome to contact The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School for more information on admissions please call the main school office on 01323 471781 and ask to speak Mrs Beverly Bundy.

The school office is open from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday and staffed by Mrs Beverly Bundy and Mrs Brackenreed-Johnston.  They will be happy to deal with your initial enquiry.

Appointments can be made to see the Headteacher or class teachers, by either emailing or by calling the school office and asking for Mrs Beverly Bundy on 01323 471781.

Headteacher Mrs Rosalie Collett ~
Deputy Head/SENCo/DSL Mr David Stewart
Admissions Mrs Beverly Bundy
Chair of Governors Mrs Hilary Walshe ~
Clerk to Governors Mrs Beverly Bundy ~


The Headteacher, Deputy Head, SENCO/DSL, Chair of Governors and teaching staff are always willing to talk to parents if they have particular concerns about their child’s learning or health, so please do not hesitate to contact them via the school office.

Safeguarding ~ to contact the DSL please email

 Chair of Governors ~ to contact the Chair of Governors or Clerk to Governors please email