The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

Let your Light Shine



As a church school, we process our own admissions. If you are interested in placing your child in our school then please feel free to call the school to establish if we have any vacancies.

If we do have a place then we would require you to complete the ESCC Application Form as soon as possible, these can be collected from the school or downloaded from the ESCC website. The completed form should be then returned to the school and we can then send it on to School Admissions at County Hall in Lewes. The Supplementary Information Form also needs to be completed and returned to the school, this can be located at the bottom of this page.  If we do not have space for your child we will still require you to complete the ESCC Application Form and send it to School Admissions at County Hall, Lewes. Once we have received your completed Supplementary Information Form then your child's name will be placed on our waiting list.

Priority on the waiting list is given according to the criteria in our Admissions Policy which is available to download also from our website. If you are applying for a foundation place we would also require a Clergy Reference Form signed by your church leader.

Please note that 30 pupils in a class is statutory for all children in the Infants (Reception, Years 1 and 2). The Governors would not, therefore, be able to offer a place in the school, even on appeal, if the subsequent class numbers would be higher than 30. We also aim to have 32 children in each class in the Juniors and the governors would not wish to exceed this number except under exceptional circumstances.

Prospective Parents Tours of the School

We will be offering two morning, two afternoon and one evening appointments.  We must stress how important it is that you ring the school office to speak to Mrs Bundy to secure your space.

If you would like to book a space please contact the school on 01323 471781 option 0.


Wednesday 4th October 2023 ~ 6.00 pm.

Monday 9th October 2023 ~ 10.00 am. 

Tuesday 17th October 2023 ~ 2.00 pm.

Wednesday 1st November 2023 ~ 2.00 pm.

Thursday 9th November 2023 ~ 10.00 am.

We do request that you do not bring any children to the above tours.


For school admissions for Reception 2024/2025 below is the timeline for applications.

September 2023 ~ Online facility available via ESCC

15th January 2024 ~ Closing date for primary schools applications

16th April 2024 ~ Allocation letters sent to parents

15 May 2024 ~ Closing date for appeals

June/July 2024 ~ Appeals heard.


Starting school and compulsory school age

Children must start school at the beginning of the term which follows their fifth birthday. However, your child is allowed to start school full time at the beginning of the school year which follows their fourth birthday.  You may want your child to start at school part-time which is allowed but you will have to arrange this with the headteacher once your place has been allocated.

Appeals Procedure for Reception Admissions September 2024

An Independent Panel will hear Appeals. The Governing Board coordinates with the local authority, East Sussex County Council Timetable to administer appeals

Parents who wish to lodge an appeal should contact the school office 01323 471781 in the first instance.
Deadline for receipt of appeals for children starting Year Reception Appeals closing date: 10th May 2024
Appeals received by the above deadline will be heard by June/July 2024.

Appeals submitted after the above deadline will still be heard. However, if your appeal is submitted late, your case may not be heard until after all the appeals received on time have been dealt with.


Foundation Places due to Covid 19

  • Pro-rata the number of attendances required to meet the worship criteria, if these set out a number of attendances over a period of time or
  • Discount the closure period so the attendance period is reduced by the amount of time the churches were closed. This is likely to mean taking out 6 or more months from the qualifying period.

The guidance we received was clear that virtual worship should not be counted. If churches are partially open, and attendance restricted, we need to be aware that this will mean some families may not be able to attend and a period of partial opening can also be pro-rated to reflect this.



 Admission Arrangements 2023 2024.pdfDownload
 Admission Arrangements 2024 2025.pdfDownload
 Admission Arrangements 2025 2026.pdfDownload
 Clergy Reference Form.pdfDownload
 East Sussex Co-Ordinated Scheme for Primary and Junior Admissions 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Prospectus 2023 2024.pdfDownload
 Supplementary Information Form.pdfDownload
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