The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

Let your Light Shine


English Learning at The Haven

Children’s ability to communicate in English is key to their success in life. At the Haven high standards of literacy and language are promoted by providing children with opportunities which foster a love of reading and writing. The overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. At The Haven, we have chosen high quality, engaging texts to promote a love of reading and inspire writing. Teachers will plan writing through reading and will ensure that the assessment statements for their year group are covered on a cyclical basis, building on work from the previous term.


Teaching children to be able to read and enabling children to have a love of reading is our aim at The Haven.  Our book corners are well stocked with a wide selection of age-appropriate books including books which link to the term’s learning and those that link to key texts in English.

Story time happens daily in every classroom in the school from Reception to Year 6. 

 Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1

Children are sent home with a decodable text, which matches the graphemes taught in school.  Once the children have worked through the progressively more complex decodable texts they are able to choose a book from an appropriately banded selection.

We strive to ensure that all children have a love of reading.  Each child has open access to our ‘Read to Me’ books.  The children can take a book home for their parents to read to them and can change it as often as they wish.

Key Stage 2

Children are assessed to determine their reading ability, and can then choose from a range of recommended titles at their reading level. Once a term, children are reassessed and are given an updated level to enable them to choose a book suited to their ability and to ensure progress continues. In this way, children can build their reading skills and stamina, and are not put off by books that are too basic or too demanding for them. Struggling readers are well supported, and high achievers are encouraged to read books that really engage and challenge them.

Children are encouraged to choose a second book to take home which is free choice.  This can be read independently or alongside a more confident reader. This is to promote a love of reading and ensure that reading for pleasure takes place.


Throughout the school, children are exposed to language rich, diverse texts to support writing skills and inspire creative writing.  Pupils are taught to write for a range of purposes and audiences.  Each term the children publish an extended piece of writing following child-led editing to promote authorship and pride.  

 Reading Spine-Y1.pdfDownload
 Reading Spine-Y2.pdfDownload
 Reading Spine-Y3.pdfDownload
 Reading Spine-Y4.pdfDownload
 Reading Spine-Y5.pdfDownload
 Reading Spine-Y6.pdfDownload
 Reading Spine-YR.pdfDownload
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Useful KS1 Weblinks

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